Over 12,000 square feet of tile and stone inspiration
When you enter Euro Tile & Stone, don’t be surprised if the showroom and amount of product selection gives you pause. Our showrooms were designed with the client experience in mind which feature an inviting atmosphere, design booths for clients to comfortably discuss their ideas and a coffee bar to refuel and unwind; all to help you find inspiration to make your dream space a reality.
About Davide
A life-size mosaic replica of Michelangelo’s Davide welcomes you to the Ottawa showroom.
This dramatic statue was built over 6 weeks by 12 sculptors from Décors 3D – a group that has done work for Cirque du Soleil and The Sochi Olympic Games – using over 360,000 micro-mosaic pieces.
Serving homeowners, designers, architects, builders, contractors and renovators, we deliver unparalleled service and expertise.
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